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Lantern Making Workshop

December 7 @ 11:00 13:00

Lantern Making Workshop
Lantern Making Workshop

Lantern bearers! Come and light up your lamps! Join their Festival and create your own unique lantern at their free Lantern Making Workshop and be part of the lantern procession!

Free Lantern Making Workshop for Festival of Light at 101 Outdoor Arts.

Create your very own lantern for the lantern procession, Festival of Light at the Lantern Making Workshop

Join in at 101 Outdoor Arts and create a traditional pyramid lantern out of willow and paper ready to carry in the Festival of Light procession. These workshops are a great chance to get involved in one of their biggest annual events, so go along and join in with the creative fun. Standard pyramid lanterns take between 1 and 2 hours to make.

All children must be accompanied by an adult

£ Free (Booking Required)

Lantern Making Workshop

They support artists from all over the world who make work for the outdoors and public space, through a year round programme of artistic residencies, professional development events, and a dedicated design and fabrication workshop. 

Artists from a wide range of disciplines can make use of their large and intimate rehearsal spaces, staying onsite in our artists’ village.

As part of Corn Exchange Newbury they present vibrant and wide-reaching outdoor events in partnership with our local communities, bringing thousands of people together each year to experience a free international programme of events in public space.

101, Outdoor Arts,Communications Rd, Thatcham RG19 6HN 

01635 582666

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