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Christmas Tours and Afternoon Teas

November 20 December 15

Christmas Tours and Afternoon Teas

Step into the spirit of Christmas at the “Real Downton Abbey” and join them at Highclere Castle for Christmas Tours and Afternoon Teas.

The starting place, as ever, will be the Highclere Christmas tree in the Saloon, surrounded by the festive garlands cascading down the staircases.

Following a tour of the State Rooms and Gallery Bedrooms, you will be invited to explore the Egyptian Exhibition in the cellars, which tells the story of the world-famous discovery in 1922 of the tomb of Tutankhamun by the 5th Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter.

Following your tour, you will make your way outside to the Christmas Marquee on the Castle Lawns for a delicious traditional Afternoon Tea.

Highclere Castle, Newbury RG20 9RN


01635 253210

Disability Access

If you have booked tickets and would like to reserve a manual wheelchair, please email Pushchairs for babies and toddlers are most useful for the gardens and may be left at the Entrance Hall whilst you tour the Castle at which point, we would ask you to carry or hold fast to small childrens’ hands!

Dog Friendly West Berks

Neither dogs nor picnics are permitted in the gardens (guide dogs excepted).

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